Sunday, April 02, 2006

Holy Prophet War Games

How should the world of infidels feel, when Iran announces that not only have they test fired a missile capable of eluding radar detection, but now has also test fired a missile which they are billing as "the world's fastest underwater missile"? This infidel is beginning to wonder if this is the work of the devout extremist at hand, who will lie through their teeth, because the Prophet said they could when it comes to communicating with the enemy. Is it any wonder then, that the Revolutionary Guard is calling the manuevers this week the "Holy Prophet War Games? How holy their religion, that these fanatics would create idols of destruction and then dedicate it to their war-mongering God.

Bluff or reality, Iran is pushing their luck when it comes to posturing in such a flamboyant manner. Whether their boasts are founded in fact or fiction, they are surely placing their own necks on the world's chopping block. Saddam shocked his own generals when he admitted that he did not have WMD's, even though he boasted to the world he would use them against anyone who dared attack him. Of course he was doing this with Allah's blessing.

For the Christian world, it is said that anything is possible through God. But, of course that isn't based on the premise that it is OK to lie through your teeth to get it. For those fanatic frothing at the mouth Muslim extremist's out there, the Muslim version goes - the sky is the limit, as long as you can convince the "chicken-little's" of the world that it is falling.

Not that I am a holy see or anything near it, but I would prophetize that soon Iran will see that their lies are not blessed at all.

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posted by Is It Just Me? at 9:08 AM