The Things That Turn You Green

Saddam Hussein's latest defense rant...
"The White House are liars," he told the court, where he and seven others, including his half-brother and former intelligence chief Barzan Ibrahim al-Tikriti, stand accused of crimes against humanity. "They said Iraq had chemical weapons."Iraq developed chemical weapons in the 1980s and used them against Iran and Iraqi Kurds. Seemingly more concerned about himself than those he is charged with murdering, Saddam continued on about his alleged mistreatment by the US soldiers guarding him adding to his previous testimony that they had tortured and beat him, by announcing that on top of that - THEY STOLE HIS WATCH. As this slowly plays out in court, the world turns green from listening to him.
Iraq can't get with the program...
The elections were rigged says 35 groups uniting together to scream "foul" in the recent parliament elections that have the Shia led United Iraqi Alliance dominating. Jealousy can turn anyone green. But this kind of green will lead to a world class case of indigestion as everyone waits for Iraq to unite.
Some of us have left feet...
"It's true, dancing does lead to sex" Now that explains everything, sigh. I may be a little green with envy myself on this.
And the gagger of the day goes to Sir Elton John, whose song is "Here Comes the Grooms". I guess that the grooms were both good dancers...

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Colorful blogging can be seen here:
freedom folks with Dick Cheney: He's So Dreamy!
The Florida Masochist with The Co-Knucklehead of the Day award Part Four
Tel-Chai Nation with Video shows Israeli police need serious reform
The Uncooperative Blogger with Mexican immigration hypocrisy
The Florida Masochist with Sad
The Florida Masochist with ACLU brings pledge lawsuit in Palm Beach County
I will post it here (to give credit to you) as soon as my schedule permits.
posted by Is It Just Me? at 9:32 AM

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