Impudence To The End

OTPB'ers partying today are:
Bloggin' Outloud
Third World County
You are invited to advertise your stories daily (no limits), but please read my rules. Find my rules here for submitting your piece. Thanks for sharing!
Sharing today:
The Florida Masochist with The Palm Beach Post is going to the dogs (what a dog-gone story...)
The Florida Masochist with Are Howard Dean and Frank Rich the same person? (living in the past without learning a thing)
The Florida Masochist with Bogus Excuse #2 (bringing up future intelligence agents is a full-time job)
The Florida Masochist with Could have been handled differently
The Florida Masochist with The Knucklehead of the Day award
I will post it here (to give credit to you) as soon as my schedule permits.
posted by Is It Just Me? at 7:56 AM

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