Weigh This

Let this be a warning to anyone wishing to express themselves, on their own property, in a temporary medium, which can be viewed by neighbors who do not know the meaning of being "in touch with their inner child" that the scales of justice are tipped in favor of the neighborhood Scrooge, who doesn't realize how many tax dollars he/she just wasted for a frivolous citation to be issued. Doesn't a child have a 1st Amendment right to freedom of expression?
Speaking of 1st Amendment rights...
Speaking of 1st Amendment rights...

It's OK to burn the American flag on US soil as it's protected under the 1st Amendment, but try burning a Mexican flag on US soil and you fall off the scales of justice.
Faced with a charge of "burning rubbish" (evidently calling the Mexican flag rubbish is protected under the 1st Amendment as no new litigation has come forth in this case) a San Antonio man has yet to see the fat lady remove her ponderous butt from her perch on the scales of justice. In this instance, the fat lady doesn't have time to sing, she's too busy stuffing herself with candy covered injustice. Remember the right to have a speedy trial? This case has only had three trial postponements so far.
All things considered, both of these instances of injustice are "weigh" out there.
All things considered, both of these instances of injustice are "weigh" out there.
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posted by Is It Just Me? at 7:39 AM

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