Monday, August 07, 2006

Polls, Media, and Propaganda

Propaganda is an ancient form of combat. Rumors in ancient days often defeated the enemy by virtue of the ability to spin a yarn based on fear-factor, not battle. In modern times the media has become the most viable means of swaying the opinions of the masses. Depending upon who you read (and how the writer says it) the facts of a particular story can be skewed to place doubt, create discordance, and to promote fear, bringing about the paralytic inability to close ranks and unite upon the part of the "enemy" when done correctly. Battles are still being won through propaganda, without a drop of blood being spilled. But, what will the toll on the world be when the media whores are through?

"Half of Americans Still Believe in the Saddam WMD Story, God Help the World". The title, chosen by an editor of Al-Jazeerah, is followed by his comments -
The following news report should alarm US peace activists and those who want to see America peaceful and prosperous and to save it from a sure self-destruction. It demonstrates the power of the government multifaceted propaganda on the minds of people. Half of Americans still support anything the government did and does, said or says.

American peace activists and true patriots have a huge work to do. A third political party has to emerge to replace the two Zionist-controlled parties. It should include all third current parties together with members of the two dominant parties who believe in peace and who are not Israel-firsters.

Only this third party will be able to have an alternative media (TV stations, radio stations, and written media), which can educate the public and combat the pro-war propaganda of the Zionist owned and controlled corporate media.

Until this happens, the government and its permanent war policy will be supported by the brain-controlled and misinformed public.

God! Help the World.
Here's propaganda at it's most thinly disguised. Only the very stupid would believe such a person, who has the capacity to turn over the killers that exclusively use his media network to show the pleas and then decapitations of their victims, when he invokes "God" not Allah to save the world. Only the very stupid would hearken to his plea, that
A third political party has to emerge to replace the two Zionist-controlled parties. It should include all third current parties together with members of the two dominant parties who believe in peace and who are not Israel-firsters.

Only this third party will be able to have an alternative media (TV stations, radio stations, and written media), which can educate the public and combat the pro-war propaganda of the Zionist owned and controlled corporate media.
Intuitively, this editor is keying in on the weakest mindset of the American people - those who doubt and are afraid. His tactic of calling for a "third party" is already being echoed by many sane people in the US who are sick of the political fighting between the two leading political parties the Republicans and the Democrats. We are, as a nation, gearing up to go that direction unless political infighting stops and we unite as a people.

Imagine a party of "American peace activists and true patriots" led by someone of the ilk of Cindy Sheehan. Wouldn't those that seek the destruction of the United States love to see the likes of her in power? At the same time, it is both laughable and deplorable. Laughable, because no nation has ever come to power and sustained it led by a pacifist. Deplorable because, so many sane people are tired of facing the dilemma we have with Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, and North Korea to name a few, an easy way out becomes very appealing. "Just say no" was a term coined by Nancy Reagan. It is being echoed in this lead-in editorial note by a propaganda spewing anti-Zionist who would rather see our heads cut off or filled with fluff that sounds good, but will ultimately be the death and destruction of us all and everything we know and take for granted today in the US, if acted upon by those unable to grasp the fact that this is exactly what our enemy wants us to believe.

This was a lead-in editorial note as I said. The "real story"? He follows it with the Harris poll recently released that shows 50% of the US still believes Iraq had WMD's in some capacity, even if they were never found. Many news stories released by the media make that 50% of US citizens out to be fools (of course they call us that more subtly). But the point that is being made by the media is, if you believe that WMD's were there then as the Toronto Sun points out in their headline "What about UFOs?", you probably will believe in anything. (Hello, the Toronto Sun - our government denies that UFO's exist - so much for being spoonfed by the government).

Why is it that those who seek to destroy the US focus on this issue? Because, the key element that makes it a viable tool to the enemy is that this issue began here by the anti-war element decrying our involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq, was then taken up by die hard Democrats looking for something to undermine the Republican dominated government, and then is repeatedly pounded upon the multitudes as a wedge against unification of mind and spirit. Americans have notoriously bad memories - we forget things in short order and can be swayed like a pendulum easily by new events. God (or should I say Allah?) forbid that events would sway the American people to unite. That wouldn't be a good thing during a war to happen.

So where does that leave us sane people who are sick of the war(s) we are involved in, sick of our political in-fighting, sick of those crazy people who think "flower-power" and "just saying no" will win us eternal peace? Determined. Determined not to be swayed by propaganda filled media reports. Determined to die with our heads on, and on straight. Determined to work through our problems (and wars) in the only way possible to come out on top of the situation, by not believing lies disguised as the truth by some creative propagandists whose only purpose on Earth at this time is to further the destruction of the United States and the freedom to have the rights to work, to live, to believe, to choose as a free man and woman - not a subservient class worker in a single religion dominated political state.

Do I believe in UFO's? I was born in Missouri, where we were raised to believe the old saying "seeing is believing". Come the day it happens that we are visited by entities from another world I'll believe it. In the meantime, I believe every single picture displayed on Al-Jazeerah of murdering thugs beheading innocent victims while chanting "Allah is great". One thing to learn in propaganda is that one never shows their hand dipped in blood and then attempt to offer it to their enemy while still dripping in a sign of peace. That slight of hand, is about as transparent as the worst bungled magic trick.

But hey, Germany's Goebbel was a master propagandist, whose best known illusion was to make millions of Jews disappear during WWII (disappear - not die), why shouldn't we believe someone like Iran's President who still believes Goebbel's illusion that the Jews weren't there to begin with? While we are into believing illusions, let's also believe the illusions this same anti-Zionist, anti-western, 12th eman believing President of Iran would have us believe - that there never was WMD's (never, ever) that disappeared in Iraq, that his country is not supporting the war against Israel by arms delivery to Hezbollah, that his country is not sending agents into Iraq to create division between the Shiite's and the Sunni's, or believe that his countries nuclear enrichment program is meant to bring electricity to his country and not light up the world instead?

Maybe this is really what is wrong with us. We were indocrinated to be gullible - raised up as small children to believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the tooth fairy, and Halloween ghosts and goblins. Maybe that is why some American adults have a hard time sorting out fact from fiction, and can so easily be swayed to believe the sugar coated lies of grim reapers dressed in their disguise as doves of peace and virtue?

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posted by Is It Just Me? at 9:01 AM