Paranoia Mixed With Politics
It is a given since September 11, 2001 security has been a major issue for the US. But in the case of the takeover of Britain's Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company (aka P&O) it would appear that paranoia mixed with politics is the underlying factor behind the bipartisan fight with President Bush over who should operate the six container ports located in the US. Democrats, who have fought to the point of being ridiculous over the Patriot Act and who have maintained a position that privacy outweighs national security in the NSA eavesdropping matter in political power plays, are now screaming that national security would be at risk should the United Arab Emirates Dubai Ports World succeed in taking over management of our country's container terminals. On the other side of the political coin, Republican leaders seem to be suffering from paranoia in their break with the President in whether Dubai Ports World should be allowed to operate the ports based on their reported fears that security would be breached by allowing an Arab based company control.
For shame, US politicians. This has nothing to do with security - as the P&O has never had the responsibility of security over the terminals - the US Coast Guard has had that responsibility. This has everything to do with political stink stirring on the Democrats part and plain old knee jerk paranoia by the Republicans who are embarrassingly showing their paranoia and prejudice towards a Muslim populated country in this situation.
It is most remarkable that there isn't any stories of outrage over security issues coming from Britain in the takeover of their national ports by an Arab country. Instead all related stories generating from Britain reflect a business as usual, matter-of-fact detail driven accounting of the acceptance of the takeover deal by the shareholders of P&O and the February 27th decision deadline that is before the British government to approve the deal. How shameful that the litmus test for prejudice is emanating from the US in this case. Whether this has occurred because of political maneuvering or from paranoia, the US has given itself another black eye as far as the Muslim world is concerned. Something that President Bush, who although thought to be a backwards fool by some politicians, appears to understand quite well.
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For shame, US politicians. This has nothing to do with security - as the P&O has never had the responsibility of security over the terminals - the US Coast Guard has had that responsibility. This has everything to do with political stink stirring on the Democrats part and plain old knee jerk paranoia by the Republicans who are embarrassingly showing their paranoia and prejudice towards a Muslim populated country in this situation.
It is most remarkable that there isn't any stories of outrage over security issues coming from Britain in the takeover of their national ports by an Arab country. Instead all related stories generating from Britain reflect a business as usual, matter-of-fact detail driven accounting of the acceptance of the takeover deal by the shareholders of P&O and the February 27th decision deadline that is before the British government to approve the deal. How shameful that the litmus test for prejudice is emanating from the US in this case. Whether this has occurred because of political maneuvering or from paranoia, the US has given itself another black eye as far as the Muslim world is concerned. Something that President Bush, who although thought to be a backwards fool by some politicians, appears to understand quite well.

posted by Is It Just Me? at 10:25 AM

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