Thursday, October 20, 2005

Playing The Separating Church From State Game


The ACLU of Oklahoma was contacted this spring by Malik and Minimah Muhammad, a Muslim couple involved in a case being handled in Oklahoma County District Court. In accordance with sincerely held religious beliefs. Mr. Muhammad wears a skull cap known as a Kufi. Similarly, Mrs. Muhammed wears a head scarf known as a Hijab. During a routine appearance in court, an Oklahoma County Judge ordered Mr. and Mrs. Muhammed to remove their religious attire.

ACLU of Oklahoma Staff Attorney Tina Izadi met with the Muhammads and communicated with their attorney in the case before the District Court. She prepared a motion regarding their religious liberty interests that would be ready to file if another judge ordered them to remove their religious garb. She attended courtroom proceedings with them on May 18 and June 2. Both these appearances occurred without incident.

Izadi continued her vigilance on behalf of these clients until their matter in the District Court was settled. The Muhammads case concluded without further infringement on their religious liberty. Izadi then sent the District Presiding Judge a letter to request that deference be accorded to religious attire by the Oklahoma County District Court.
This is a fairly old story, but proves a point. The ACLU will manipulate constitution law to suit a circumstance and will intimidate to enforce it. How does one approach a judge and say, "Respectfully your Honor, court protocol must be changed - asking my client in this courtroom to remove their headgear is a violation of their freedom to practice their religion in this court. Regardless if it is offensive to the others in this courtroom who feel that it is a dishonor to the court and that do not share their religious beliefs, I am asking you to give preference and deference to them by allowing their religion to be brought into this court", and in the next instance say, "Respectfully your Honor, that Ten Commandments sitting on the lawn that I had to pass to get in here is a violation of the 1st Amendment clause separating church from state and must be removed because my clients do not share that religious belief". ACLU of Oklahoma Staff Attorney Tina Izadi has no problem doing that. Separation of church and state is a tool that is manipulated to suit a need by the ACLU.
"Every American is entitled to practice his or her own belief, and our government should never endorse one religious faith over another," said Tina Izadi, an ACLU of Oklahoma staff attorney. "The Haskell County monument sends the message that people who adhere to a particular religious creed have favored status over other residents in the eyes of the court."
This statement comes just four months later in reviewing her position on the lawsuit she filed against the Ten Commandments monument that stands on the courthouse lawn in Stigler, OK located in Haskell County.

This is the game rules that the ACLU plays by. Ms. Izadi's comments are very revealing when taking into consideration the bigger picture of how the ACLU is playing games with us all.

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posted by Is It Just Me? at 10:43 AM