Friday, April 22, 2005

Ogre's Incredible Edible Creations

Ogre's taken up cooking. Although this looks purrr-fectly disgusting, Ogre assures us that this is a delicious treat. To create the purrr-fect conversation piece for your next party, pop on over to Ogre's for his recipe for "Cat Litter Cake".

Since "Chef Ogre" has shown his culinary interests, I have a suggestion for him to open up a new area of blogging on his blog called "The Art of Beastly Cooking". I am waiting for his recipe for "Llama Spitballs". Meme this, old man!

Of course, contributing is mandatory to get this going, so here's some finger food to start with...

Gut Wraps

Grilled Gut - Thoroughly clean all parts.- Freshly killed, curly part of the sheep intestine.- Piece of sheep fat.- Sheep tripe.- Place the piece of fat on the tripe.- Wrap tightly with a bit of intestine.- Place on a hot grill and toast till done. YUM!

posted by Is It Just Me? at 11:48 AM